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To fulfill the educational portion of marriage preparation in the Diocese of Little Rock, engaged couples must attend Pre-Cana Day, the Sponsor Couple program, or some other diocesan-approved marriage education program. This is determined by your pastor.

Please contact the church at 479-783-745 for more information.


Wedding Rings

Pre-Cana Day

Register for Pre-Cana

Pre-Cana Day is a one-day retreat for engaged couples to spend time together reflecting on their relationship and future marriage. Topics such as the sacrament of marriage, communication, finances, love and sexuality, and parenting are discussed.


Registration is required one week prior to the event. See the Calendar of Events to find available dates on which to register. Click on a date to find the registration form. To register for Pre-Cana Day, please complete and submit the form. Then mail your $60 registration fee to: Family Life Office, 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207.

Online payment cannot be accepted at this time. Make checks payable to the Diocese of Little Rock. Registration is NOT complete until both the fee and this form have been received. If you need to register after the deadline date, please call the Family Life Office at (501) 664-0340.


Convalidation Class

Register for Convalidation Class

Convalidation classes are offered for couples who are married civilly (outside the Catholic Church) and wish to have a sacramental marriage within the Church. The Church requires that a baptized Roman Catholic marry before a priest or deacon unless he or she received a dispensation (permission) from the Church beforehand.

When a Catholic does not observe this requirement and marries outside the Church, his or her marriage is not recognized by the Church. Couples who wish to have their civil marriage convalidated (recognized) are asked to attend a special marriage preparation program (convalidation class), complete marriage paperwork, and have vows witnessed by a priest or deacon.

With the approval of your pastor, please register for a Convalidation Class at least one week prior to the event.


See the Calendar of Events to find available dates on which to register. Click on a date to find the registration form.

To register for Convalidation Class, please complete and submit the form. Then mail your $60 registration fee to: Family Life Office, 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207. Online payment cannot be accepted at this time. Make checks payable to the Diocese of Little Rock. Registration is NOT complete until both the fee and this form have been received. If you need to register after the deadline date, please call the Family Life Office at (501) 664-0340.

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Church Address

School Address

Commitment to Protecting Children

2112 S. Greenwood Ave.

Fort Smith, AR 72901

ph. (479) 783 - 7745

fax (479) 783 - 7075

1918 S. Greenwood Ave.

Fort Smith, AR 72901

ph. (479) 782-0614

fax (479) 782-1098

The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by Clerics, Church volunteers, or Church workers, please contact the State of Arkansas Hotline for Crimes against Children at 1-800-482-5964 and the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs, Dcn. Matthew A. Glover, (501) 664-0340 ext. 361.

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