Holy Name Society
Auxilium Sine Laude
(Service Without Praise)
Who are we and what do we do? The HNS is Christ the King’s men’s group.
Membership is open to all male parishioners age 21 and over. Your children are welcome for volunteer activities.
We are organized for fellowship and parish service. Our meetings are on the second Monday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Town House – upstairs in the Spirituality Center. Informal business meetings approximately 30 minutes – followed by refreshments, cards, etc. Officially we meet once a month, however on any given Monday or Wednesday night, between 6 pm to 8 pm, there are members on campus, planning or performing good works for the parish.
Contact us! CTKHolyNameSociety@yahoo.com
Current officers:
President James Barte 479-763-7667
VP Sam Meyers
Treasurer David Hotz 479-434-0662
Annual dues $10
Fishing trip $40 each
This past spring, during Lent, we cooked for the Soup Supper after the Stations of the Cross.
In the weeks preceding, and during the carnival, HNS members put in hundreds (+) hours of service in order to make the carnival a success.
HNS members have spent a great deal of time and effort in maintaining the physical structure of the parish. We have repaired pew kneelers, plumbing, HVAC systems, electrical issues, carpets, doors, landscaping, as well as made repairs to the roof.
We are the dads/uncles/grandfathers/brothers of the parish; you know the ones you call when things have gone south. If we can’t fix it, most likely it can’t be fixed.
We have also cooked for the kids who attend TARE and Rock, as well as the parish picnic, St Anne Society Rib Fest, Father Jacobs retreat, and Thanksgiving dinner.
If you have attended Christmas Mass at Christ the King, you have seen the decorations we put up (and take down) every year.
We normally have two fishing trips each year, a Spring retreat and the Fall retreat. These are Friday night through Sunday morning with a Saturday Vigil Mass, followed by a steak dinner Saturday. Some members only attend Saturday for Mass and the steak. We’re flexible. The Holy Name Fishing Trip is a 50+? year Christ the King tradition.
If you’re a father whose children attend Christ the King school, Tare or Rock, you should be one of us. We promise you won’t feel out of place or be asked to do anything that the rest of us wouldn’t or haven’t done. With the variety of projects we are involved in, and the diverse background of our members, you have the opportunity to participate in what you might not otherwise have the chance to do.
The HOLY NAME SOCIETY is a sponsor for the following activities:
Spring Fishing Trip – March or April
Parish Carnival Setup/takedown – May
Carnival Hamburgers, brats and hotdogs booth
Carnival Beer Booth
Parish Picnic – September
ABC Fest (Apples, Beer, and Chili) – October
Trunk-n-Treats – October
Fall Fishing Trip – October or early November
Card Night – on demand
Setup/takedown for Thanksgiving Parish Dinner – November
Setup/takedown Christmas Decorations in the Church – December/ January
Cooking for:
Parish Picnic
One Lent Soup Dinner
One Cooking Breakfast for Deacon Tom’s Fall Retreat
One JDC meal for the juveniles
One TARE meal
Handyman activities for church, school, parish priest’s home, and parish center. Everyone can help. Plus other parish requests throughout the year and many opportunities to enjoy fellowship while contributing to the Church.
Biannual Fishing trip Directions to Subiaco Cabin
(or via I-40 to Clarksville, exit 55)